
Wayland, NY


Investigators on site: Jennifer, Tracy and Tim. Guests: Tammi, Steve, Tyler and Kayleen.

Claims of activity:

Members of the team went outside at one point, and on their way to the door they heard a disembodied voice of a woman say "hello?". We actually caught this audio on the video camera. No one in the room that was being filmed at the time even heard this voice.

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We had an instance during the investigation in which an energy ball seemed to go right into Tim's arm and then moments later out by his rib cage area. We are not 100% sure that this is paranormal but it did not look to us like a bug. It may be, but it looks different to us so we thought we would include it.

You will need to view it via full screen to really see it.

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We obtained quite a few interesting EVP's, here are a few of the clearest ones:


This clip was before we even started the investigation. There is a woman singing in the background. The only women on site at this time were Tammi who was speaking and Jennifer.


In this clip, as Tyler speaks of his experiences, there is a voice repeating his words. When Tyler says "back', it is repeated...and when Tyler says "that way", this is also repeated.


Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) using the spirit box:

This first clip seems to answer our question with "I don't know."

This next clip we found very interesting and led us to what we will state in our conclusion. We were going through some names that were given to us, and we got an answer to this question.


This is an interesting clip as well because it came through as such a clear whisper over the sound of the white noise. We can not make out what is said however, some words mixed in with something that sounds like teacher, creature or future. We can not make it out.

In this clip, we could not really make it out at the time, but under further review it sounds like someone saying "probably not". It is sort of drawn out more than one would normally expect.



These clips do not need a description as we state what we are hearing when we hear it:

Our conclusion:

Through the course of this investigation and compiling all the claims and the data we obtained, we have to come to the consensus that the activity in this home is normal. Many people may ask what that means….well, from our experience as a group; we have found that there is a certain amount of activity in almost every location. Whether it is loved ones that are coming through or just what we call passer-by’s. (And yes, passerby is a word…Tracy, please.) This does not automatically mean that the location is active or even haunted.

We did substantiate Tyler’s claim to a degree, in that it seems as if there is a female spirit that is connected with him. We hesitate to say “attached” as we cannot determine that at this time. However, when asked if she knew him, that female voice came through immediately with his name.

We received the one transmission over the spirit box, when we asked George if he was trying to relay a message and if this was the source of the activity…the answer was no, after some hesitation. This led us to wonder if most of the data we collected on this night was just from loved ones or that of passer-by’s.

We did the “reveal” with them on 9/7/13 and went over everything, and from the time of the investigation until this current date, all activity has ceased. We will always be available for further investigations and help if the need arises. As of right now…peace in the homestead.